Assistant Professor

Education | Ph.D. in Psychology, Fu Jen Catholic University, Taiwan |
Teaching Specialties | Introduction to Psychology、Positive Psychology in life、Assiduity about Society、A Guide to Classics |
Phone | (03) 463-8800 ext. 2338 | |
- Lin, J. W., Mai, L. J. (2018). Impact of mindfulness meditation intervention on academic performance. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 55 (3), 366-375.
- Lin, J. W., Mai, L. J., Lai, Y. C. (2015). Peer interaction and social network analysis of online communities with the support of awareness of different contexts. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 10 (2) , 139 -159.
- Mai, L. J. (2012). The perspective of spinal cord injury survivors: A collaborative inquiry on bowel inertia. Research in Applied Psychology, 53, 95-129.
- Mai, L. J. (2009). Helper’s stress management and self-care during crisis intervention. Taiwan Counseling Quarterly, 1 (3), 11-21.
- Mai, L. J., Wang, M. C., Wu, C. H. & Li, W. M. (2006). What is “professionalism?” The college counselor’s introspection and action under the impact of psychologists’ Act. Research in Applied Psychology, 30, 89-124.
- Mai, L. J., Tsai, S. L. (2004). A study of counselors’ experience in crisis intervention on university campuses. Chinese Journal of Guidance and Counseling, 15, 99-122.
- Mai, L. J. (2003). To find a way for the university campus counseling: A model of campus counseling stressed the counselor professional subjectivity. Guidance Quarterly, 39 (1), 12-18.
- Wang, Y. Y., Fu, T. K. Mai, L. J. (2019). Action Research on Teaching and Learning Effectiveness-Yuan Ze University "General Education Forum " as an Example. Academic Seminar on Higher Education Teaching Practice Research, Taichung, Taiwan.
- Mai, L. J., Lin, Y. P. (2018). The work pressure, rewards and job satisfaction between technology factories and NGOs’ employees with spinal cord injury. 17th Asian Spinal Cord Network Congress, Yangon, Myanmar.
- Hung, H. P., Mai, L. J., Yu, C. J., Liu, C. H.(2017). 2016 Survey on Long-Term Care Facilities for Persons with Spinal Cord Injury in Taiwan. 2017 ISCoS Annual Scientific Meeting, Dublin, Ireland.
- Hung, H. P., Liu, C. J., Hsu, C. Y. , Mai, L. J. (2017). 2016 Survey on Bowel and Bladder Management for Persons with Spinal Cord Injury in Taiwan. 2017 ISCoS Annual Scientific Meeting, Dublin, Ireland.
- Mai, L. J., Lin, Y. P. (2016). Supported Employment for Persons with Spinal Cord Injuries in Taiwanese Technology Factories: the Employers’ Experiences. The 55th ISCoS Annual Scientific Meeting, Vienna, Austria.
- Hung, H. P., Mai, L. J. (2016). Survey of Spinal Cord Injury Survivors in Taiwan. The 55th ISCoS Annual Scientific Meeting, Vienna, Austria.
- Tsai, S. L., Mai, L. J. (2016). A Study of Counselor’s Effective Interventions for the Crisis Associated with Breakup Threats. the 31st International Congress of Psychology (ICP 2016)_Diversity in Harmony: Insights from Psychology, Yokohama, Japan.
- Mai, L. J. (2014). Applying the student personal strengths to the education teaching and coaching in the University at Taiwan. Paper presented at the 2nd International Conference on School Guidance in the Chinese Communities, Shanghai, China.
- Mai, L. J. (2014). A study of individual psychology applied in general education. Paper presented at the conference of Cultural Industry and General Education. at Yuan Ze University, Taoyuan.
- Mai, L. J. (2012). With iron wheel to widen the road: a study of multiple employment developmental projects for people with spinal cord injury. Paper presented at the 18th International Conference of the International Association for Intercultural Communication Studies, at Yuan Ze University, Taoyuan.
- Mai, L. J. (2012). Out of counseling room: self-education action of a psychological counselor. Paper presented at the Conference of Social Work Action Research Across Taiwan Straits & Hong Kong, Beijing, China.
- Mai, L. J. (2010). The experience of living with high level cervical cord injury: a grounded theory approach. Paper presented at the 8th Annual Conference of Psychotherapy & Mental Health, at Shih Chien University, Taipei.
- Mai, L. J. (2009). Reflection on the relationship between knowledge production context and power: taking spinal cord injury life rebuilding as example. Paper presented at the 2nd Cross-Strait Conference on Action Research, Beijing, China.
- Mai, L. J. (2007). A study of crisis intervention on couple conflicts in university campuses. Paper presented in the 2007 Conference of the Taiwan Guidance and Counseling Association, at National Changhua University of Education, Changhua, Taiwan.
- Mai, L. J. (2005). My acquaintance process with the people with spinal cord injury: a narrative approach. Paper presented in the Conference of Life narrative and care, at the Lunghwa University of Science and Technology, New Taipei.
- Mai, L. J. (2004). The exploration of a professional practitioner involved in helping minority group: taking the Potential Development Center for Spinal Cord Injury Center as an example. Paper presented in the 2004 Conference of the Taiwan Guidance and Counseling Association, at the National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei.
- Mai, L. J., Tsai, S. L. (2002). A study of counselors’ experience in crisis intervention on university campuses. Paper presented at the Conference of Psychological Counseling & Guidance, Changhua, Taiwan.
- Mai, L. J. (2015). Teaching well-being: design the course of “positive psychology in life”. The New Vision of Cross-disciplinary General Education. 159-176.
- Mai, L. J. (2015). Design and practice of “social care” courses. A Bird Course that You Can Sing Your Way Through It? Not These 16 Courses in College General Education. 269-292. Taipei: The Wan Juan Lo Book Co., Ltd.
- Mai, L. J. (2014). Individual psychology applied in the general education. The Culture, Creativity and Education. 251-265. Taipei: San Min Book Co., Ltd.
- Mai, L. J. (2006). A model of campus counseling stressed the counselor professional subjectivity. Counseling and guidance practice in the university. Taipei: Psychology Book Co., Ltd.
- 1991 - Family education and counseling work with outstanding performance award, Issued by the Ministry of Education
- 2000 - Senior director of counseling center outstanding award, Issued by the Ministry of Education
- Academic Resume
Ph.D. in Psychology, Fu Jen Catholic University, Taiwan
M.Ed. in Educational and Counseling Psychology, University of Missouri, U.S.A.
B.S. in Applied Psychology, Fu Jen Catholic University, Taiwan
- Professional Experience
Assistant Professor College of General Studies Yuan Ze University
Lecturer College of General Studies Yuan Ze University
Lecturer College of General Studies Yuan Ze University & Director University Student Counseling Center Yuan Ze University
Researcher Taipei Family Educational Service Center
Graduate Assistant Career Planning and Placement Center University of Missouri, U.S.A.
Consultative assistant University Student Counseling Center Fu Jen Catholic University
School Counselor Da Jen Catholic High school
- Area of Specialties :
Psychology and Social Education
Life Reconstruction after Spinal Cord Injury
Campus Mental Health
- Office : 60803